Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. We understand that you and your family are going through a difficult time and we pray that you will be comforted and will have peace in your heart. We would like to start off with how we met... Breanna was working for a bank at the time of us meeting. Joe walked in with a friend. While we were chatting, Joe's friend cut in and asked Breanna out on a date for Joe. Apparently, Joe was taking to long to ask her out so his friend did it for him. YES! We know what you are thinking, "Why in the world would Breanna even consider going on a date with him if he couldn't ask her himself?" Well, we will let Joe answer that... To be fair, my friend jumped the gun. I was getting to it. Breanna didn't even answer right away, she made me stand in the corner of the bank while she finished helping the customers. Once she was finished with her work for a bit, she basically interviewed me, like I was applying for a job or something. Brea, do you remember the first question you asked me? Yes, I do! I asked you how old you were and then asked if you had been on a mission. When you said yes, I was sold. Oh and to be fair about the "JOB INTERVIEW", you were applying for a job. You were APPLYING to date me! During our first date we discoverd that Breanna had gone to school with Joe's cousin, which makes family gatherings fun. It is always nice when you have friends that become family. After dating a few months, we were married in the Manti, Utah Temple in August of 2000. We always knew that we wanted to start a family, but after trying to get pregnant, we realized that having a family was not going to happen the traditional way, so we began looking at our options and adoption was at the top of the list. Even though our children may not be ours biologically, we will love them just the same. We know that we are extremly blessed to get the opporunity to have a family no matter how it is created. We know this to be true because we have other adopted children in our extended families. Breanna's sister's oldest daughter was adopted. We all love her just the same as we do the other kids who were not adopted. Breanna comes from a family of three siblings, one brother who she is close to. He is fun and outgoing. She has one sister who is a bit younger, but they are still close. She has a fun and outgoing personality. Breanna also has two parents who love their children and would do anything for them. They support them in all they do. They are all very close and participate in many family activities, such as camping, fishing, and weekly family dinners. Breanna has two nieces and three nephews whom she loves to death. Joe comes from a family of seven siblings (one sister and six brothers). Even though there is only one girl, they still like to wrestle around and tease each other. His sister can hold her own. On this side of the family there are five nieces and three nephews. Joe is really close to his brothers, sister and parents. When the family is all together, there is sure to be lots of energy and fun. Joe served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Knoxville, TN mission. Joe loves karate and anything that goes with it. He has a black belt in Kishindo which is a Japanese style of karate. Joe loves collecting guns, swords and knives. He likes to go camping, hiking, 4-wheeling and just spending time with family and friends. Joe is also really good at remodling homes. There is always a project going on at our house that keeps him busy. Joe also works construction which is where he gets some of his ideas. Breanna loves, and I do mean loves NASCAR and Dale Earnhardt Jr. She likes gymnastics and cheerleading especially the University of Utah. She loves doing crafts, but mostly enjoys scrapbooking. Breanna loves to go 4-wheeling with the family, fishing, camping, and hiking. She also loves to go on long drives up the canyon to see the pretty scenery. Breanna has her Accounting Degree, but loves the tax side of accounting the most. In fact so much so that she works very limited hours during the tax season. She is commited to being a stay at home mom once we become parents. Our hopes and dreams for our children are that we can teach them to be honest in their dealings with others. We want them to get an education. We feel that it is important that they experience family vacations, camping and sports. We want them to succeed in whatever their hopes and dreams are. It is very important to us that our children always know that they are adopted. We will tell them stories about their adoption and our experience. We want them to always know where they come from. Adoption is a very open topic in our home and with our family and we want it to stay that way. We are wanting to keep our options open for pictures, letters, emails and possible visits in the future. We will always have a blog set up that will be centered around our family and different activities. Again, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. We hope you will find peace in your decision, whatever that might be. Best Wishes, Joe and Breanna

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ward Families

Today I am extremely thankful for our ward. They have been so welcoming to our kids and have been there to cheer us on the entire way. I truley live in an amazing neighborhood and ward. I hope there never becomes a day that we have to move cause this is where I want to be.

My Dentist Visit

So you know that lovely root canal redo I had done a few weeks ago, well something went really wrong yesterday. I went to my dentist for him to put my permanent feeling in my crown and when he started pulling out the cotton they put in there my tooth is still bleeding. Now they have to remove my crown and root around in there to figure out what is wrong. My teeth suck. So today I'm thankful that my kids won't inherit my bad teeth gene...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Freaking Out

When we got home from church today, my sister had left us a bunch of toys for our boy, so I made him call her and say thank you and this is the conversation...

3 yr old: Thanks Aunt Britt
for my new toys, I am just freaking out.
Britt: Why are you freaking out?
3 yr old: Cause I just am
Me: He is just a bit excited and doesn't know what to do with himself.

Because That's What We Humans Do...

So last night we sat down at the kitchen table to eat dinner, when the usual happened. Our 7 year old always has to go to the restroom right when we sit down to eat, so I posed the question, "When you know that we are cooking dinner or are about to sit down, why do you wait until then to go to the bathroom instead of going before?" Instead of our 7 year old answering me, our 3 year old did and his response was this..."Because that's what we humans do mom."

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Today was my little NASCAR buddy's baptism. I am so proud of him for making the decision to get baptized. I love you little buddy.

Photo: My nephew Aiden on his baptism day 

Continuation of Girl Cars vs Boy Cars

Yesterday we went up to Salt Lake to get a rocking chair from a friend. While on the way up there, our 3 yr old was still on the kick of girl cars vs boy cars, when all of a sudden he said:
"Daddy, when I get big and can drive myself, you are going to get little and I am going to put you in my carseat and drive you around to Toys R Us and I am going to buy you a toy."

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dentist Visit

So I took all three kids to the dentist yesterday and our poor boy was completely traumatized the last time he had to go because they had to put him under to do his dental work. Before we ever left the house, he was crying and saying, "I don't want to go to the dentist because they hurt me and my feelings." Poor boy!!! But the outcome was great. He did great and was very brave and didn't have any cavities.

Our 5 year old did great until they had to put the sealant on her 6 yr molars that had come in since the last visit. She didn't like that at all which meant that she was going to make it difficult to put the fluoride on her teeth, but we all survived and she made it through. She also didn't have any cavities.

Our 7 year old she just goes with the flow. At the dentist the kids are able to watch a movie while getting their teeth worked on and so while the dentist was working on one of the other kids, she was watching a movie when all of a sudden she burst out laughing. Her laugh is so contagious that you can't help but laugh with her. She brings a smile to my face and she is a great help around here.

We just love all three kids. They are all so different and have their own little personalities and each bring a different dynamic to our lives.

Little Miss Sassy Pants

So a few weeks ago I was talking to our 5 yr old and this is the conversation...

Me to our 5 yr old daughter: Hey you need to go turn off the TV downstairs and get in your jammies because it is time to get ready for bed. If the TV is still on when I go down to check on you in a few minutes, you are not going to be able to watch TV tomorrow.

5 yr old: Well if you come down and the TV is still on, I guess I will just be grounded then. (with the little head shake side to side effects going on).

I tell you what, if she is already talking like that now, we are in trouble when she becomes a teenager...LOL...

These kids mean the world to us. We have fallen so completly in love with them. I can't imagine our home without them in it. They have brought so much love and happiness to our lives and our families lives. They are truely amazing kids and we are thankful to have them in our lives.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Girl Cars vs Boy Cars

So the other day while looking for a van Joe and I had a conversation with our 3 (almost 4) year old and it went like this....

3ry old: "That van is a girl car daddy"
Joe: "Why is it a girl car?"
3 yr od: "Because girl cars are FAMILY cars daddy"
Joe: "Look buddy there is a sports car, can daddy get that car?"
3 yr old: "No daddy you can't get that car, cause I want that car"
Joe: You want that car? How about daddy gets that car and you can ride in it?
3 yr old:. No daddy I want to drive it cause it is a little car with a big motor and it goes fast like lightning McQueen.

SO I have come to the conclusion that girl cars are family cars and only girls can drive them and boy cars are things like trucks and sports cars and only boys can drive them.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Finally an UPDATE!!!!

I know that it has been awhile since we have updated our blog, but sometimes there are times that you just need to take a break.

About a year ago, Joe and I decided to put our LDS Family Services adoption stuff on hold and try our hand at foster care. Well to be completly honest, our stuff was not actually put on hold until April when we got our first placement.

Anyway, we got three amazing kids. Two girls and a boy. We are hoping that we will be able to adopt them, but we know that if we can't there must be something else in store for us...

So here is the story...

Right now we are dealing with the whole kinship vs us issue. It is not easy and I have been an emotional wreck this week and  we know and understand that it is a gamble that we take. My husband and I have dealt with infertility for 12 years and about 7 yrs ago decided that adoption was the only option for us and our family. We started off with LDS Family Services and have been waiting for 6 years. About a year ago we decided that we would give it ago with foster care and see where it might lead us. So here we are with these three amzing kids hoping that we will get the chance and opportunity to be their forever family.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Moab, Utah 2011 Day 1: 08/19/2011

We left early Friday morning and headed to Moab. It took us about 3 hours to get to our camp spot (Kings Bottom).
While setting up our tent, we realized that the Colorado River was right behind our campsite. It's so cool, except I wish it were a creek. You see, I love to hear the water rushing down the creek over the rocks. The river has been so quiet except when a  tour boat goes rushing down it, then the water sounds like the ocean beating against the shore from the wake of the boat.
Now the crickets on the other hand, they are supper loud and remind me of our trip back east last year. Its not just a chirp chirp sound, it's a constant whistle of sorts, but I love it. It is one of the things I grew to love on our 15 day road trip. I have missed that sound.

1st Tourist Stop:
Pizza Hut for lunch after we got our camp set up.

2nd Stop:
Monitor and Merrimac Viewpoint
Not much here except a lookout point you can walk to, to look at the rock formations and cliffs.

Stop 3:
Dead Horse Point

We could not figure out how they came up with that name and we still are not sure except that the main attraction is where the Colorado River forms a horse shoe shape. So cool and a breath taking view. Also at this destination you could see rock formations and cliffs for miles, but another cool thing you could see was some awesome blue water. From what we were told, its some sort of settling pond that they collect some sort of chemical to use as fertilizer. Not sure if this is true or not, but whatever it is meant for, it is still a cool view from a top a cliff.

4th and Final Destination: (Most entertaining part of the story)
Back to camp to cook dinner and relax.
Before going on this trip, we went grocery shopping for the food we would be taking. I even made out a menu...
Well this morning, I went out to water our garden before leaving and left Joe to putting food in the cooler and grabbing other odds and ends we needed...

1st Mistake:
I left Joe to pack

2nd Mistake:
I didn't double check. I was just so excited that I did not have to pack it all this time.

We knew we had forgotten the milk so while in town, we were able to get that.

Fast forward to us getting ready to cook dinner...on the menu: Tinfoil Dinners!
Joe looks at me and asks "Did you bring the potatoes?" I said, "No, I thought you grabbed them". So since we didn't have the potatoes and we did not want to run back into town, we decided to have hot dogs.
We would have to grab the potatoes the next day.
Well, there is more to this story...
Joe decides that he wants corn for dinner as well, so he BBQ's it and when he went looking for the butter, there was no butter harm done on this one, except that for breakfast the next morning, we were planning on bacon, eggs and potatoes.
So again, we switched our menu around and we had sausage gravy instead.
So much for the menu planning right!?! Oh well! I am just grateful that for once I didn't have to pack everything and the car by myself this time, so my reaction was to laugh at the situation instead of getting mad. Lesson learned...I will double check the coolers next time...LOL
On day two's agenda... Arches national park and shopping.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Our niece Jazmine's 9th birthday and the Splash Pad

We can't believe that you are 9 already Jaz, but we are so proud of you and love you.
Because Joe and I were not going to be in town for Jaz' birthday, we let her have a sleepover at our house for a couple of nights. I took her shopping for her birthday present, took her to her swimming lessons and then the next day we went to the splash pad with some of my family. There was Jaz and I, my sister and three of her kids, Liz, Nate and Aiden, my mom, my aunt and 3 of her kids, Kash, Autumn and Bailee and also her 3 grandsons, Jimmy (my mini-me), Cole and Byron. All in all, we had a great time.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

11 Year Anniversary

I can't believe that it has been a year since we went on our road trip. This year, we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then we mixed our anniversary and Joe's birthday together by going to Moab this past weekend....and boy is there a story to tell....stay tuned for the story and pictures.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Aiden turns 7

Our nephew Aiden turned 7 at the end of July. He wanted a pool party at papa's work, so that is what he got. I can't believe that he is 7 already. It seems just like yesterday that he was born. I love this little man. He is so smart and so funny, just like his mom. I can't imagine life without this kid. He is my little NASCAR Buddy. Yes!!! That's right, I brain-washed the poor thing into liking Dale Jr and yes, I am the one who taught him most of the drivers names and their car #. I have been drilling him since the day he born, much to my sister's dislike...j/k...LOL

Happy Birthday Little Buddy. We love you.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Timp. Cave Hike July 2011

Sibbling Hike
 We went hiking to the cave with Breanna's sister Britteny and her husband Troy and Breanna's brother Bronson. We decided to do it really early in the morning and am I glad we did. It was getting hot by the time we got to the top. In some ways, I am glad that we didn't take Brea's sisters kids with us cause we were having a hard enough time getting ourselves up the mountain, but sad that they didn't come with us cause they would have loved the cave. Maybe when they get a bit older we will be able to take them with us.

